When we were riding, we found this tree Dad had carved his name in about 48 years ago when he was sheepherding as a boy. Way cool, huh!!!
Shooting (Derek & Brad)
Derek is still fishing
Elder Kyle Kohler returns home! We love having Kyle home!!!
Baby Beck Lance Erickson is born and he is SOOOO cute!
Rachael goes to Jr. Prom. She looked so, so beautiful!
Snowshoeing (this is Der going down a big slide we built)
The Wises came to visit and the girls went Prom dress shopping. Syd and Sam tried on lots of fun dresses and modeled them for us!
I decided to recover my couch. . . AHHHHH!!!
AFTER pics will be coming soon. I haven't finished sewing the cushions yet. I've been too busy with school and work to finish.